Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quality Coffee Down South

Hello.  If you've stumbled across this webpage, you're wondering what Short Black Panther is.  You'd be right to assume it has something to do with delicious espresso.

Every man and his dog in Sydney is opening up a cafe somewhere.  Everyone knows the areas where you should live/travel to in order to get a cup of quality brew.  As a resident of the Hurstville area, and a professional in the industry, I'm finding it difficult to find much of a selection that excites me.  There are not many people down south making a cup of coffee particularly well.  There are a few, don't get me wrong.  Those guys are great.  But there is surely room for another.  Thats me!

For some time now, I've had the idea of opening up a cafe in the area that specialises in making quality coffee and tea.  I am passionate about it and I want you to be as well.  Oh, and food.  Yummy food.  On a constantly changing menu.  In a comfortable space.  That has cool music.  And nice decor.  And sells top of the end coffee beans and tea leaves.  And makes them on filter as well.  A place that is somewhere for our heavily populated area to come and hang out.  To make our area a bit, for want of a better term, more inviting to be in.  And to get the caffeine hit that you truly deserve.

Over the next few days I will be talking a little bit about the suppliers of our products and where its coming from.  The background behind why these suppliers and their products have been chosen, and why you're going to love it.  I'll also be dropping a couple of hints regarding the exact location.

Can't wait!

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