Monday, June 29, 2015

I love doing lots of stuff like eating

This post isn't reaaaallly about SBP.  If I do recall, the purpose of this blog is to document what happens when someone tries to open a cafe from day of idea inception to today, approx 1.5 years in to trading.  So it's a mix of a blog for the shop, and a blog for my learnings along the way.

I wanted to touch a little on the particular lifestyle of this business owner.  There are many different types of businesses so this one is specific to people who own a 7 day a week business with a shop front and a bunch of lovely staff.  These days I only work 6 days a week but lately I've been managing to work in 2 days a week for the most part.  Paired with training 5-6 times a week in weightlifting and keeping an eye on my bodyweight (weight class specific sport and well, because I'm a girl who bakes cakes for a living).

I thought I would talk a little bit about my weight actually.  I should mention that I also have another blog specifically for weightlifting and diet (2whitelights - shameless link drop) where I talk about this stuff.  But many customers over the last year have mentioned my ever decreasing weight and have been asking me lots of questions!  Such as how? you're so busy?  how do you handle being around all this yummy food?  How are you not too tired?  Well, I'm here to tell you it isn't without its struggles and it has been a tough road.

When I opened SBP I was a little 65kg girl.  I had already dopped 5kg before starting the shop previously.  Not long into the business, I was stressed and yes, around lots of food....soo... I hit 70kg..again.  At my heaviest I had been 72kg.  On that link I posted earlier I have some before and after photos.  It seems weird to post them on this page. I also managed to cause myself hormonal issues (PCOS) which tend to result in a lot of weight gain.  I still have this issue but am managing to work through it.  This makes me proud! To do it I have specific food targets for my activity levels that day that I aim to reach.  Once in the swing of it it's easy to do without even thinking.  Thats why I can drink so many flat whites and eat so much delicious sourdough.  I even work in some of my mums delicious cakes when I feel like it and its how I discovered kangaroo mince and put it on the menu! Haha!  I also had someone I could be accountable too who would help me when I hit road blocks or was feeling stressed.  This also allowed me to train in weightlifting after work every day without burning out because I was eating the right amount of protein, carbs, fat and fibre.

The point of this post is that for those who are interested, you CAN have a busy life with a lot of stressors, ups and downs and failures and successors.  You just need an achievable plan, customised to your lifestyle.  There is no one size fits all.  Your body, lifestyle demands and stressors are different to the next persons.  There are ways to work around it.  I know a few good diet coaches and program builders so give me a bell at and I'll send you in the right direction!

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